Sprinkler Activation Causes Water Issues at High Rise
By 1st Assistant Fire Chief Robert Crowe
March 9, 2025
At 1053, Canton Fire was dispatched to an alarm activation at Canton Housing Authority High Rise at 37 Riverside Drive. Upon arrival, personnel were made aware of a sprinkler head that was flowing water in a 5th floor apartment from and unknown, non-fire, cause. Members set about working on stopping the flow of water. They were able to use wooden wedges to slow the flow and then access the zone valve to shut the water off. As there had been some delay in notification of the fire department, there was a significant amount of water present on the 5th floor and it was working its way down between floors. Firefighters utilized squeegees and wet vacs to direct the water to the stairwells and limit damage. Canton Housing Authority personnel were notified and they also responded to the scene. Water began to migrate through electrical conduits to panels in apartments below. At that time, CHA management made the decision to cut power to the individual apartments and begin relocating tenants until the issue could be resolved. Busses from Canton Central School responded to aid in moving tenants to hotel rooms until they could safely return to their apartments. Fire personnel stayed on scene for approximately 2 hours until the building was release to the Canton Housing Authority. Canton Rescue also responded and assisted with the evacuation of residents.