At 1942 hours, Morley Fire, Canton Fire , Canton Rescue and SLC Car 4 were dispatched to a reported possible fire in the wall at 7276 CR 27 in the Hamlet of Morley. Morley Fire arrived on scene to find a fire burning in the wall next to an exterior door with the homeowner using a garden hose attempting to extinguish it. Smoke was also observed coming from the eaves and vents on the roof. Morley Fire Chief Wayne Morrison requested Canton Chief Crowe have Tower 1 respond in addition to the standard auto-aid assignment in case the fire extended in the attic space. Chief Morrison also requested Rennselaer Falls Fire and Lisbon Fire. Canton Engine 7 was directed to establish draft at the bridge. Morley firefighters stretched a handline into the building and up into the attic space to apply water the area that was burning. Other personnel established a dump site operation to supply the handline. As additional crews arrived on scene they began to pull the soffit along the roof line to provide access to the affected area. The initial handline crew was able to achieve a quick knockdown and prevent any further spread of the fire. The area was overhauled to ensure the fire was completely extinguished. Canton Fire had 20 members respond and all Canton equipment was back in service at 2130 hours.