2024 Call Stats
January 56
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Total 252

2023 Call Stats
January 31
February 37
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Total 480

2022 Call Stats
January 46
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Total 476

2021 Call Stats
JAN 26
FEB 27
MAR 49
APR 28
MAY 32
JUN 35
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SEP 35
OCT 33
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DEC 53
Total 443

2020 Call Stats
JAN 30
FEB 39
MAR 21
APR 25
MAY 22
JUN 20
JUL 45
AUG 36
SEP 53
OCT 38
NOV 38
DEC 16
Total 383

2019 Call Stats
JAN 40
FEB 34
MAR 31
APR 28
MAY 37
JUN 18
JUL 54
AUG 38
SEP 43
OCT 51
NOV 45
DEC 33
Total 452

2018 Call Stats
JAN 52
FEB 35
MAR 32
APR 54
MAY 38
JUN 27
JUL 37
AUG 45
SEP 60
OCT 41
NOV 29
DEC 34
Total 484

2017 Call Stats
JAN 27
FEB 35
MAR 30
APR 38
MAY 43
JUN 35
JUL 33
AUG 35
SEP 50
OCT 40
NOV 26
DEC 34
Total 426

Past Call Stats
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2012 476
2011 421
2010 302
2009 328

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Website Visitors
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The Canton Fire Department has selected the KNOX-BOX® Rapid Entry System to provide non-destructive emergency access to commercial and residential property. More than 8,000 fire departments and government agencies use KNOX-BOX® key boxes, vaults, cabinets, key switches, padlocks, locking FDC caps and electronic key retention units for safe and secure rapid entry. The use of the KNOX-BOX® Rapid Entry System will help the Canton Fire Department to: 
  • Eliminate needless, costly forced entry damage that may not be covered by your insurance deductible.
  • Assure immediate building entry by firefighters without delay or waiting for building keys.
  • Protect inventory, equipment and supplies from unnecessary water damage caused by delayed sprinkler shut-off.
  • Satisfy state fire codes and emergency access ordinances.
  • Save you time and aggravation by not requiring you to drive to your building at 2:00 am for a false alarm.
  • Help you feel secure about emergency coverage when your building is left unattended.
  • Maintain building security after a fire alarm investigation by simply re-locking the undamaged door.
  • Protect your property from thousands of dollars in damage with your one-time, low-cost investment.
  • Depend on the highest lock box security available with attack resistant, UL tested reliability.
  • Maintain the high quality fire protection our community deserves and has become accustomed to.
On December 15, 2008 the Canton Village Board passed the Emergency Access Systems code. This new section of the village code requires the installation of key boxes on certain buildings within the Village of Canton. Building owners have 18 months to comply with this new provision of the code. Below are some questions and answers about the new law and the Knox Box system.
1.      Q. Who is required to have a Knox Box key box? A. Any building that has a fire alarm system or a sprinkler system designed to National Fire Protection Association standards is required to have a Knox Box. If you are unsure if you have one of these systems, contact the Code Enforcement Officer at 386-2871 ext. 3 for an official determination.
2.      Q. Can I get a box if I am not required to have one? A. Yes. In fact residents may be interested in purchasing a residential box for their home to provide access not only to fire personnel, but to emergency medical personnel as well who may respond to their home in the event of a medical emergency.
3.      Q. Where do I get a Knox Box? A. Boxes may be ordered online at www.knoxbox.com.
4.      Q. Which boxes are the approved models? A. For commercial and multi-residential buildings, the Model 3200 Knox Box with the hinged door is the minimum approved box. This box can be ordered as a surface mount or a recessed mount. A number of options are available to suit the customer’s needs. A larger box may be required depending on the occupancy of the building and the amount of items necessary to be kept in the box.  For residential applications in one and two family dwellings, the Model 1650 with the hinged door is the approved box. This model comes in surface mount only.
5.      Q. I’ve gotten my Knox Box, now where do I put it? A. Once you have received your box, contact the Code Enforcement Officer and/or the Fire Chief to determine where the box should be located. The new code requires that both these officials approve of the mounting location of the key box.
6.      Q. What goes in the Knox box once it is mounted? A. Once you have mounted the Knox Box you will have to call the Canton Fire Station to make arrangements for a chief to come and lock your key box. Items that should be placed in the key box include: keys to entry doors, keys to interior doors including all mechanical rooms, alarm panel keys, owner contact information, elevator keys, and any other keys or information required by the Code Enforcement Officer. At that time you will be asked to complete a Building Owner Information form that will be kept on file to ensure that we have current contact information for the building owner and any emergency contacts.
Any questions can be directed to Past Fire Chief Robert Crowe at rmcrowe@cantonfirerescue.com or by calling the Canton Fire Station at 386-4613. You may also contact the Village of Canton Code Enforcement Officer at 386-2871 ext. 3. The complete line of KNOX-BOX® Rapid Entry System products can be viewed at www.knoxbox.com.


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Canton Fire Department
77 Riverside Drive
Canton, NY 13617

Emergency Dial 911
Station: (315) 386-4613
Station Fax: (315) 379-1360
E-mail: info@cantonfd.org
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