Fire Prevention Week at Canton Fire
By Firefighter Matthew Kroeger
October 28, 2011

It was Fire Prevention Week at Canton Fire. We kicked off the week by attending church services at the Unitarian Universalist Church on Main Street.

With the help of FFs Brian Connor, Kaylee Sprague, and Misty Gillespie and Fire Prevention Officer Matthew Kroeger we visited Grades 1 through 4 at Banford Elementary. The children had a fun and educational time seeing an example of a room search complete, and practicing Stop, Drop, Cover Your Face and Roll.

The next day we had Station Visits with the Banford Elementary Pre-K and Kindergarten classes. All students got a tour of the Apparatus Bay seeing Engine 8, Tower 1 and A-133. The children left with a grab bag and a Fire Chief's helmet. After Station Visits we all participated in Lunch with a Fire Fighter.

On Monday and Tuesday evenings Canton Fire Department teamed up with Domino's Pizza to deliver the Fire Prevention message. If a customer had a working smoke detector their pizza was free! If they didn't they were provided a new smoke detector. We handed out 2 new smoke detectors and gave away 8 free pizzas over the two days.
Many thanks to Chelsea Kroeger for the excellent photography work!